Among the most unnoticeable stimuli providing social information, body odors are powerful social tools that can modulate behavioral and neural processing. It has recently been shown that body odors can affect moral decision-making, by increasing the …
This Viewpoint examines recent developments in the quantitative characterization of fetal movements via kinematical analysis. We contend that fetal kinematics represents a powerful tool to investigate prenatal cognition and the prepostnatal …
_Background_ A fundamental aspect of self-consciousness is body ownership, which refers to the experience that our body and its parts belong to us and it is distinct from those of other persons. Body ownership depends on the integration of different …
Commentary on Keven & Akins Neonatal imitation in context: Sensorimotor development in the perinatal period Keven & Akins (K&A) propose a biologically plausible view of neonatal imitation based on the analysis of sensorimotor development. Here, we …
The vast majority of humans are right-handed, but how and when this bias emerges during human ontogenesis is still unclear. We propose an approach that explains postnatal handedness starting from 18 gestational weeks using a kinematic analysis of …